After the launch of the NFT Marketplace, 2.5 million crypto wallets were opened by Reddit users

Among the 3 million users who have opened Reddit Vault wallets, 2.5 million have opened since the launch of the NFT Marketplace.

Among the 3 million users who have opened Reddit Vault wallets, 2.5 million have opened since the launch of the NFT Marketplace.

Reddit users seem to be voting for non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

According to Reddit, user activity reaches up to 50 million per day. Last year, Reddit made over $350 million in revenue, so the Web3 foray will generate more revenue for the platform.

After setting up the Reddit Vault wallet, users will be able to manage the Reddit points that are stored on the network and will make it possible to make purchases through the application.

Reddit NFT preparations have been underway since the release of the first NFT collection from CryptoSnoo, which was based on the Snoo logo. Reddit's NFT Marketplace was launched in the summer, followed by a giveaway of 4 Snoo collections in August for high karma accounts.

Now the collection contains avatars Drip Squad, The Singularity, Meme Team and Aww Friends, the price starts from 0.01 ETH.

Based on the total number of crypto wallets (3 million), the majority of users have shown a huge interest in PFP NFT over the past 3 months.